October 2014

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It’s easy to say “life is good” when you’ve known no hardship. It’s easy to steer a boat when it has known no storms. It’s easy to forgive somebody when they have done little more than bruise you. Deep in my mind there’s also a growing list of individuals who have done damage to me […]

The world’s most expensive diamond is called the ‘Pink Star’ and sold for a whopping $46M. Think about this for a moment. That diamond is small enough to fit in my pocket, yet commands a price that anybody in the universe could comfortably retire for the rest of their lives on. If I were to […]

A man once said it was time to arrive. Step to the plate and pick up my stride. Life isn’t for the lazy – nor rewarding for the weak. It goes to the man and woman who has their eye on the prize and will fight to the finish.  You don’t have to show up, […]

I believe all of us are on a journey in life. How we choose to pay attention to this idea greatly impacts the way we live out our lives. Without the belief that our lives have some sort of direction, it can be very easy to get lost or refrain from taking daily steps. The journey […]

Hey Blood Brother… Blink. Wake up, Plaat. Wake up, Plaat. Wake up. When I was younger, we took endless pottery lessons at the local community recreation center. Prior to putting a clay piece in the kiln, you could reshape and recreate the sculpture you were creating. Sometimes I’d create some magnificent piece (in my mind […]

It’s a bit interesting how I happened to stumble upon the ‘featured image’ for this blog post. I recently watched a Burning Man documentary, outlining the process associated with creating the heart-shaped art piece. “Heart-fullness” was the title behind the piece. It was created as a refuge for people to climb inside of the heart […]

Our yesterday’s seem so much more clear and obvious during the today’s that always follow them. The tomorrow’s continue to be a question mark that can only be answered with time. The internal doubting I have over whether or not I have used proper punctuation, absolutely kills me. Moving on. Those beautiful words. Moving on. […]

While I was in Ohio, my brother and I drove drove to a shopping center we had been to hundreds of times during our childhood. Pulling into the parking lot, we reached into our pockets and pulled out our phones to do the routine social network checkup. Simultaneously, we looked up and realized a very […]

Something many people don’t know about the lilac flower is that it releases its strongest scent once it has already died. I’m determined to find it but there is a film where one of the dying characters asks his friend “Do you smell lilacs?” as he passes away. In addition to this being my funeral […]

When you’re a  young child, every dark closet is capable of being a forbidden kingdom. Every dog is secretly a war horse, awaiting your noble charge to vanquish the enemy from your motherland. Perhaps it’s just the laundry room being liberated by a golden shepherd and a boy wearing cardboard armour. Dream big, son. Dream […]