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Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about the things that were important to me as a child, and how I came to value things. As a child, I never cared much about things like getting a promotion, paying bills, having designer labels or a fast car in my garage. As a child, I wasn’t concerned […]

This weekend, I sat at a pool and chatted with somebody about my book, Priceless. I shared with her that thing I love most about the book is that the characters continue to live beyond the pages, and are an active part of my daily life. It’s a beautiful thing to look back at parts […]

I think all relationships can teach you something about yourself, as well as what you’re looking for in another person. As a single Dad, I have a very high level of scrutiny that I have for a relationship, as I both want to have a happy future – as well as avoid pains from the […]

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about value, and the various types of value we use in our society. From financial value to relationship value, there are a lot of different metrics that measure different measures of value in our lives. A few years ago, I changed my business pricing model to be a value-based […]

It seems like a long time ago – as well as yesterday morning – that I was getting my home ready for Atlas and making a small pile of gifts for him to discover when he walked in the door. As I was arranging his pile of presents, I noticed the eagerness I felt in […]

A few years ago, I learned an important lesson about emotion; some days feel better than others, while other days feel worse – for no apparent reason. Some days, I wake up and feel on top of the world, while other days feel like it’s crushing me. Navigating these up’s and down’s requires that you […]

I have an admittedly love-hate relationship with the author Donald Miller. On one hand, I love him because he was one of the key sources of inspiration for my own writing/published books. On the other, I’ve grown to really loathe his writing style as I’ve gotten older and have realized it’s ok to be critical […]

One of the very last things written by Leonardo Da Vinci was a small, handwritten note which read: “We should not desire the impossible.” Da Vinci was [also] left-handed, and he wrote backwards, from right to left, in order to prevent his hand from smearing the still-drying ink as he wrote. Unlike his other diary […]

If you’re familiar with the ‘spiritual’ community, you’ve probably heard the phrase “Release things that no longer serve you.” If you’re somebody that finds a sense of purpose in serving others, this phrase might cause some initial offense to you – or, be a difficult pill for you to swallow. Life is a complex game […]

There’s a saying in the Bible that says “Make the most of your time, for the days are evil.” I’ve been thinking about this verse a lot, lately. When I think about time, I realize it’s one of the greatest gifts we have, and how we choose to spend the moments we have has a […]

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