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There’s a saying in the Bible that says “Make the most of your time, for the days are evil.” I’ve been thinking about this verse a lot, lately. When I think about time, I realize it’s one of the greatest gifts we have, and how we choose to spend the moments we have has a […]

Earlier this week, I sat down with Atlas at a local donut shop and had a ‘Dad date’ with him, over a cup of coffee and two donuts. He chowed down on an Elmo donut, and I had my favorite donut; an apple fritter. While we were sitting and talking, I looked over at the […]

One of the things I’ve learned this year is that it’s possible to live the life you’ve dreamed of – with a big, huge asterisk next to ‘possible’. Perspective counts for an awful lot in life. When you’re on the 100th floor of a skyscraper, it makes a huge difference if you’re standing inside the […]

Earlier this afternoon, I chatted with my older brother about a heavy topic; politics. He went on a very long rant about his perspective of the world, our government, other governments, capitalism and even on the ever-changing economy we now live in. There was one thing I noticed during our conversation; he was angry. Something […]

Well, I did it. I published another book. Priceless: Life is a Masterpiece, is now available as a hardcover book on Amazon. There’s an interesting back-story to this book, which is composed of stories from my childhood, narrated in the format of being on a first date. The back-story is that I wrote this book […]

There’s a saying that ‘home is where the heart is’ and I’ve often thought about this saying while traveling the world. No matter where I found myself, I always seemed to feel a sense of being at home, because I felt love in my heart. At the same time, I felt a sense of homelessness […]

What does it mean to be blessed? That’s a great question, and one that various schools of thought (and ideology) have different interpretations on these days. To some, being blessed is largely centered around financial prosperity. I don’t buy this idea. It’s like thinking that having a ‘good’ diet is having a fridge full of […]

Conversion happens in a lot of different ways. Oftentimes, conversion is associated with somebody finding their way in (or out of) a faith practice, such as Christianity. In my life, I’ve seen a noticeable trend of improvement in the quality of life that people experience when they convert to a faith. Why? Because replacing a […]

This afternoon, I sat down and shared lunch with somebody at one of my favorite restaurants in Lewisville. Hungry for ambition, they were admittedly money-hungry, and asked a lot of great questions about my journey through self-employment. In many ways, I understood their goals, while persistently asking them to try and view their life through […]

For most of my 20’s and early 20’s, I had a relatively fast-paced life. I lived in a handful of major US cities, traveled frequently and spent my time soaking in a variety of people, places and cultures that were different than the rest. Those times were an education, although not the kind you’d get […]

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