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These past two days haven’t been the most pleasant. In light of positive circumstances, I’ve been in a bit of a funk/train of thought that’s only now beginning to find any semblance of conclusion. Mind, body, spirit, and heart have begun to be tugged on. And I am beginning to wonder where this rabbit hole […]

It’s incredible what memories are brought back to life simply by hearing a song, getting a whiff of a fragrance, or walking through some location where our emotional memory reached a peak. Columbus is full of these places for me, as I’ve had my entire life to develop these projected realms of identity. Can we […]

One of the many things I’ve learned from being self-employed is that one bad egg is all that’s needed to throw a wrench in a productive day. When I refer to ‘bad egg’ I mean a client that’s difficult to deal with. Oftentimes, these are the clients who have paid the least, while expecting the […]

Survival is not the same as living. I don’t know many people are living. However, there are a few. Thinning the chaff out of our lives is something that must be done – no matter how painful – if we are to grow and effectively love others around us in a better way. When love […]

“Lord, how great is our dilemma! In Thy Presence silence best becomes us, but love inflames our hearts and constrains us to speak. Were we to hold our peace the stones would cry out; yet if we speak, what shall we say? Teach us to know that we cannot know, for the things of God […]

Nobody wants to live forever. Even if they could, there would be the realization that, after some period of time, they’d discover they are infinitely alone. Fortunately, we have the blessing of being alone for a finite period of time. If you really think about it, this rings true of our lives; step by step, […]

In the infinite universe, we have the opportunity to experience a great many things, sights, touches, and sounds. With no preexisting limits to what it is that we can, or cannot, accomplish, we’re given the perception that the sky is truly limitless. The sky may be limitless, but man has never succeeded in jumping over […]

[dropcap style=”font-size: 60px; color: #9b9b9b;”]I[/dropcap]n the name of the best within you, do not sacrifice this world to those who are its worst. In the name of the values that keep you alive, do not let your vision of man be distorted by the ugly, the cowardly, the mindless in those who have never achieved […]

In Fahrenheit 451, we are shown a world that has changed to become a society without books. Existing books, banned and outlawed, are perceived to be hidden treasures for their knowledge; a vast, rare understanding of the past knowledge. This written love for books is really quite beautiful. However, I have begun to wonder if […]

We often speak of resurrection with such callousness that we forget the significance of its occurrence 2,000 years ago. We also isolate this act to the past, thus preventing the beauty of it to be seen in our daily lives. Every single day, resurrection occurs. Whether it is the new leaves on a tree or […]

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