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On my trip from Ohio to California, I’ll have to admit that I did a rather bad thing. Perhaps it wasn’t the brightest thing in the world, but it seemed like a terrific idea at the time. While driving on the highway, I noticed a billboard that stated “When you die, you’re going to meet […]

After a successful trip from Ohio to California, I can’t help but feel a bit refreshed, recharged, and ready to hit work harder than ever. Being that it was a cross country road trip, I couldn’t help but wonder whether or not there would be any type of ‘spiritual experience’ that would happen, given the […]

Perspective is everything. Perception is reality. And sometimes the reality you are in is not perfect. That being said, you must ask yourself whether or not it is possible to position yourself to a new reality worth living in. If you don’t like the way your life is going, it can be the scariest (or […]

“A minute of perfection was worth the effort. A moment was the most you could ever expect from perfection.” In a short moment, Mark came and went. It seems as if the time has quickly been evacuated between the moment of his 2am CMH arrival and finally seeing him wave goodbye. I could write of […]

“Satisfaction is the death of desire” remains one of the life lessons that I’ve found to be quite true. In this sense, I must confess that I’ve found it to be true — with a catch; I’ve personally found it to be true, but do not feel that the statement is all-encompassing or immune to […]

Every time I open up the blogging app on my iPad, I’m reminded of a previous blog I wrote where I stated “Dr. Seuss remains one of my favorite authors…” and it always provokes some memory of a phrase or picture he drew in one of his books. One of the things I’d like to […]

We live in a world where it’s somewhat difficult to identify what it means to be a man. However, one of the most pathetic forms of life on this earth is the individual who feels the need to physically beat a woman in order to feel like a man – or simply the one who […]

This recent trip to Columbus has proven to be quite the eye-opener for me, even if it’s only internal. I have a very difficult time explaining the feeling of experiencing identical situations and actions with a completely different life situation at my fingertips. Same sauna, different day. Same cup of coffee, different mindset. It’s inexplicable, […]

It was time for a fresh, clean look to this website. So, I decided it was fine time to do a website remodeling job. Unfortunately, it takes second seat to any client work I have, so it’s being done in my spare time. However, stay posted for new content, design, and functionality like never seen […]

The clock continues to tick, tick, tick. I cannot help but feel that I have somehow been in this place before. We commonly accept that we have muscle memory; instinctual muscular actions that have been primed from countless repetitions and habitual responses. Walking through the door, my mind shifts to moments of the past. If […]

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