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Older. Wiser? Older.

I’ve been thinking a bit about what it means to be a leader. In the book Where Have The Leaders Gone? Lee Iacocca writes about the cultural shift we’ve embraced towards the concept of leadership, and what it means to be a real leader.

I think leadership can be defined as being a combination of observation; being able to see from a different – or similar – perspective as those around you, and action; being willing to act, speak, or make movement based on the observation you witness. This method has been very helpful in my own business, as I’ve been able to observe and act on the items I’ve built my business model around for several years.

Love finds a way. And sometimes, it doesn’t.

I’m not the same person that used to frequent the couch of Cup O’ Joe in Lennox Town Center. At the same time, there are traits of that individual that I would very much like to meet and see with my current self.

There used to be such a fresh outlook on life, because it was full of new experiences that I had yet to encounter. While I still have these experiences on a daily basis, there’s a large part of me that is still trying to figure things out and affirm whether or not I’m living the life I want to live.

Featured image from Deviantart

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