Zero Hour


Ladies and gentlemen, I continue my semi long-lost tradition of writing one final blog before university classes start. Welcome!

As I’m somewhat introspective, I’ve always taken the opportunity to put into words the way I feel prior to embarking on these ten weeks of schoolwork, late night studying, and the ever-eternal cram sessions prior to taking an exam. However, tonight’s blog is not about university courses. It is about the act of embarking on something new. Furthermore, this is not about starting out on new courses. Instead, it is written for the select few individuals I know who see every new day as a refreshed opportunity to pursue excellence, success, and a continued lifestyle of determination through difficult situations, scarce odds, and the daunting unknown horizons that will soon be past experiences.

See, as I have grown older and set my feet out to various experiences, ventures, and paths, I’ve been blessed to encounter a few individuals who have take the attitude that there is more to life than simply waking up in the morning to survive another day. These individuals seek to grab life by its almighty horns and wield its power for their accomplishments.

For these people, sacrifice is a regular practice, as their vision and goal is not short-sighted but drives many, many years into the future. It would not be out of the ordinary for these individuals to give up the niceties that many enjoy; wasted time, a thriving social life, relationships, personal financial security, and the sometimes-maddening acceptance that they are not – and never will be – “normal” as others around them. Normal is average. These individuals are above average. Extra ordinary. Extraordinary.

When one is on the battlefield of life, it cannot be productive to stay close by to those who fight the hardest,  as each warrior will find the fight of their speciality in order to accomplish the most glorious win. For these people, the future holds many different paths; business leaders, medical experts, legal authorities, Executive Director’s, Chief Executive Officer’s, President’s, and community backbones. These people will not live this life without radically impacting thousands of others in one way or another. With such a diverse spread of people, how would it ever be possible for them to all reside within the same ZIP code, city, state, country, or continent?

However, there is a mighty cost each of these individuals has borne. It is the cost of their life. While the benefits of an accomplished life may show significant rewards quite appealing to the common man, what the untrained eye will rarely – if ever – see is the blood, sweat, and overflowing tears each of these people have poured out in the pursuit of their lives. Rather than accept mediocrity, they have chosen a path not tread by many because many could not handle – or survive – the burden of treading it.

Survival. There is a good chance many of these people will see the beauty of sunsets because they have reached a point in their life where they cannot bear the possibility of seeing another. Life is quite a beautiful thing when you reach the breaking point where you question your ability to continue in it. And yet, it’s during this moment of chaotic clarity that a fresh sense of determination is given to continue on in the path you are clearing for many others to walk. Press on, warrior!

There is something very comforting to know that there are several other individuals in this world who are attempting to leave a very large mark on this world by making a difference in the lives of others through entrepreneurship, leadership, and social impact. It could be said that this mindset is more of a curse than blessing because so few understand or share its process. However, I believe it is a torch passed on to only those who are ambitious enough to carry it, who also understand the full weight and responsibility that accompanies those who hold it high.

It’s an honor to fight with you. I’ve said it many times, but, as we have the opportunity of waking up to a new sunrise tomorrow morning, knowing there are fresh opportunities, unmet challenges, and ideas waiting to be discovered, enthusiasm is sparked within me as I send you off with this:

You can and you will. See you on the other side.

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