Hau Ruck

The choice is not self-sacrifice or domination. The choice is independence or dependence. The code of the creator or the code of the second-hander. This is the basic issue. It rests upon the alternative of life or death. The code of the creator is built on the needs of a reasoning mind which allows man to survive. The code of the second-hander is built on the needs of a mind incapable of survival. All that which proceeds from man’s independent ego is good. All that which proceeds from man’s dependence upon men is evil.”

Note from Aaron:
This blog came about as a project from a business partner of mine, who, when I asked for personal assistance and professional development, asked that I write a summary of what I want in life. It has taken me many years to come to the below short-sighted conclusions. However, I feel this is a close and accurate statement of what drives me.

Personal Statement
There are few things more important to me than in the free ability for an individual to try. Whether it is in the launching of a new business venture or the kindling of a new interpersonal relationship, I believe in the importance of putting one’s best foot forward. There are so many limitations in our society that prevent one from doing as they please, oftentimes for personal protection and security. However, when the barrier is crossed between personal safety or protection and into the realm of human barriers, a window is opened where an individual may step into the unfamiliar and act on the motive of their will.

With the length of our lives being significantly shorter than our ancient predecessors, it is imperative that we make the most of the time we are given on this planet. I do not believe in one common destination for every individual, but in the inner drive that pushes one to accomplish their goals and dreams. This drive can propel a person to their own success, goal, destination, or lifestyle if they use it effectively.

There are many reasons for my drive in life. However, one of the strongest factors for me, personally, is in the ever-present signs around us that others have done something great and attained their dreams; skyscrapers, architectural feats, engineering masterpieces, and automotive sophistication are some of the elements that speak most strongly to me; others have done it and it is possible. Because it is possible, I will devote myself to in-kind pursuits.

Personal Development
In and of itself, I feel that the last few years have done more to develop me into the man that I am becoming than any other period of my life. With the passing of my father in 2007, it quickly dawned on me how quickly life can pass through our fingers. Sitting next to him at Kobacker House Hospice, I promised him that I would help to provide and care for the family. It was in that moment that I realized just how great of a responsibility we have simply by waking up in the morning. Up until that point, I had not fully grasped or owned this responsibility.

In recent months, with the compilation of personal battles and the news of both brothers joining the military, I’ve felt a strong sense to begin the real journey of success in entrepreneurship, through business ventures, increased personal discipline, and a stronger commitment to lifelong success.

Work Development
I have realized there are two types of individuals in the world; those that do and those who create. Creators are responsible for the starting and creating of jobs, tasks, and opportunities for others to do. Doers are the ones who implement and operate structures made by those who create.

At this current point, I have realized a majority of time has been devoted to being a doer, rather than a creator. More importantly, I’ve realized the tasks which I am doing are not advancing me any closer to being a creator; they are helping me get from day to day, while doing nothing to pave the way towards the future. This must change.

All good things must take to be developed, molded, and created. A creator is not born out of natural talent or ability, but from the conscious decision to move into his/her position in this life. Until further notice, I would like to subject myself to education and discipline that will develop and fine-tune my abilities into that of a creator. In this realm, there is no room for ego, selfish pride, vanity, or an undeserved sense of entitlement. High temperatures create pure gold.

I would like to learn how to create, build, and operate. Whether this is in the construction of a device, house, or operation, I would like to learn as much as possible. I would like to learn how think objectively, intelligently, and identify/solve problems in operations before they present themselves. Finally, in this category, I would like to learn how to be a respected leader; respected, not because of position, financial means, or attitude, but because I will possess recognizable qualities and skill sets that will show others I am capable to lead and follow.

Family Development
One of the core elements of my motivation has been in the driving force that is the love I have for my family. Currently, it is not my intention to have a family of my own, but to provide for my immediate family, my mother and younger siblings, in particular.

Family love was instilled in me from a very young age. And it is a goal of mine to help provide for my mother, with the future goal of buying her a house. Many warm memories are in my mind from Christmas days spent together with the entire family. It is a personal goal to create a company that can employ a great many individuals, and know that though personal sacrifice and hard work, hundreds of families will be able to enjoy similar happiness and memories on such special occasions.

Conclusion; What I want
I have pondered this question for many years and believe my inability to answer it properly remained in the fact that I was not in a position to count or survey the cost of what such a question could incur. However, after several years of dedication to the dream of entrepreneurship and success, I finally feel as if the answer is coming to surface.

In this life, I would like to know that every individual I have come in contact with has been impacted – for the better – because of our interaction. This improvement may come through interpersonal relationship, the benefit of utilizing a product/service I helped create, or though innovation and education that can benefit their life in a recognizable way.

I would like to attain great financial wealth and invest both wealth and intellectual capital in young entrepreneurs over the course of my life; always giving more than I receive and helping others as others have helped me. I would like to build a skyscraper, and create a school of entrepreneurship where many may come to learn, develop, and attain personal success.

The short answer to the question: I want to know, when I die, that I have ran the distance with no compromise, shortcuts, or unethical behavior. And that I will someday be able to lay full measure of the life I’ve been entrusted with before my Creator, hearing “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”

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