The Rebirthing Process

“Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point.” C.S. Lewis

One of the largest blessings in my life remains the abundance of opportunities that continue to present themselves to me at all times in rapid-fire succession. In a short period of time, more options arise and beg for further investigation than many individuals will receive in a lifetime. While there are many perks to having a 9-5, there is something to be said about availing oneself to opportunity as it arises.

This is currently where my life is at; looking at the options, pulling aces out of the sleeve, and preparing myself to take yet another dive into projects and work that must be done. As I continue to work on the development of Chai University, I hope for the best results possible. However, there are many additional elements of life that I must consider over the next few months. Finally finishing my degree at Ohio State University, the never-ending process of continuing to discover who I am, furthering my Faith, and doing my best to map out priorities and projects as they arise.

In this current period of time, I am doing my best to drum up some old friends of mine who I have lost contact with, as they are also in transitional stages of their life. Who? What? When? Where? Why? Is the beckoning question going through all of our minds. What I wonder is if the answer is not staring right back at us. Only He knows.

At present, one of my many dilemmas is the ability to “shrug” and go back to life as normal. One of the many reasons I have avoided going back to school is that it would somehow cause me to slip back into the lifestyle I maintained during my college years; carefree and ambition-less. One of the reasons I have delayed nearly two years to return is that I, being only 22 years old, can still ‘fit in’ as a regular student in these classes. When I was 20, none of the teachers really took me seriously when I walked into classes in a shirt and tie, carrying a briefcase, and wrapping up client calls. I guess ambition isn’t supposed to hit us until we are 30.

And now the story continues…

My confidence lies in the fact that our Heavenly Father has created grandiose plans for each and every one of His children who pursue His will. Before the foundations of the earth were created, He knew us. He knew exactly what we would do, where we would go, and how our lives would come to pass. He knew. More importantly, He loved us.

When I think about the fact that our lives are held in the hands of our Heavenly Father, it gives me good rest in knowing my life is not in my hands, but His. After all, it is only in His hands that we are truly safe and sound.

Ladies and gentlemen, I do not know the next step. However, as I continue to walk through faith in this upcoming year, it is with eagerness and Joy that I press towards the the mark.

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