To Collect


…it was a very good year.

Looking back at the events that have led me to be where I’m at, it would be ridiculous for me to complain about the few, and far between, circumstances that I haven’t found to be pleasant. For the first time in quite a few years, I’m learning the value of enjoying the life that you have to live, through the realization of doing everything possible with what you’ve been given. That being said, I want to discuss a bit about the internal dialogue that has been fighting in my mind for several years.

Is it possible to think too much? Excellent question. It’s a bit of a double-edged sword, as it has great potential to help individuals, while also offering them several disadvantages they fall into. Because it is not common to deeply think into situations, it’s very easy to assume that doing so is the right and only thing to do when situations turn ugly. However, I’ve realized there is a level of wisdom and discretion that comes with this, as one needs to understand when to think and ponder, while also understanding when it is to pick themselves up and get busy. Get busy, Plaat.

Here we are, pre-flight takeoff for Los Angeles. A new city. New opportunities. New world. Am I just another wide-eyed young wanna-be-entrepreneur to enter this foreign world, or will I truly come out of it a champion and find the success that pulls at my heart? Difficult questions, friend. You must not be afraid of realizing you are the enemy, or somebody you don’t want to be, as you strive to become the person you hope to be. Read that again. Do I have what it takes to overcome the inner Jack that is in me? The man whom I despise with every bone in my body. Have I learned enough from his actions that I will overcome the obstacles that crushed his spirit? Do I possess the proper discernment that will set me apart from the steps of my father? Will I know who the right person is to marry, or will I fall into the traps of others who marry somebody who crushes their spirit/soul? Will I operate in humility and healthy pride, rather than arrogance and a pompous attitude, Pete? These questions must be asked, friend.

Who is Aaron Plaat? I am the man who asked that question. It has been every day that I’ve wondered who it is that is at the wheel of this ship, with a burning desire to reach an unknown destination. Who am I? Well, that remains to be seen. Warriors possess a mighty heart, but know what is required to transition that heart into action on the battlefield. Do I possess the integrity, capacity, and determination to take myself to the finish line? Or, perhaps, will I fall and stumble along the way, breaking my stride itno a weak falter. These questions must be asked.

Taking a few notes from Mark, I’ve realized that life is truly about Pride, Passion, and Purpose. One must be committed to building the tower that is their life, while also taking into consideration the mighty cost that must be borne in constructing it. 100% success do not allow room for failure. It’s a pity we live in a world where 99% takes you as far as you want to go; it keeps your marriage together even though you can’t keep your eyes/hands faithful, it lets you call yourself an athlete without leaving the living room, and it allows for mediocrity and complacency to enter the workplace, rather than a passion for excellence. No, I do not expect these values to be help by all others. The field is much clearer, friend.

It’s time.

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