Son Of


In light of the poor moments that marred a perfectly good day yesterday, I have to admit that our Heavenly Father continues to provide for His children; making paths where foot trails did not exist, providing covering in the midst of difficult storms, and ultimately having our best intentions in mind.

This was somewhat hard for me to comprehend as a child, when my father would tell me “Aaron, I have your best intentions in mind” when we’d reach some point of disagreement. Nobody ever said a child is born with a properly functioning mind of logic. I’m very thankful it wasn’t my way that won those disagreements.

If children made the rules – instead of their parents – dentists would be multi-millionaires.

Today has been a day where I haven’t had the time to breathe. Quite honestly, I could continue working all night and not miss a beat. I wouldn’t mind it, as it’s nice to have a full plate of work prior to leaving for Texas.

My heart is beating again.

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