Don’t Do


I woke up this morning with a voice in my head.  A bodybuilding motivational track was on repeat. “Forget everything in life. What are you playing for? What’s your passion? What’s your prize?” I couldn’t get these questions out of my mind as I stepped into the shower, took buddy for a walk and came back here to type this blog.

Switched to a standing desk setup between this sentence and the last. Life is always interesting and I happen to dig the new setup. Regardless. Arnold and I are now looking eye-to-eye. Conquer.

I’ve been thinking a lot about the difference between caution, fear, and longevity. The eternal motorcycle debate.

Life is too short to live in a way that is covered with fear. I think a lot of us have taken the little kid inside of us that says “that’s cool!” and told it to shut up and live inside a corner. There are a lot of advocates for this type of mindset – preaching of longevity, eternal rewards, or a ‘practical’ way of living. Practical!?

Grind time.

Featured Image From Deviantart

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