

This weekend, I found myself laying by a moonlit pool and staring at the stars. In some ways, looking up at the night sky feels a bit like looking in the mirror at your own reflection. Every night, I’m sure there are others who also look up at the sky and think through their life experience.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve tried to figure out why I’m here. You know, the answer to why the universe seems to grant me another morning when I wake up from a night of sleep. A lot of this pondering would lead to the feeling [fear] of somehow not having ‘arrived’ yet at my point in life.

I’m already there. You are, too.

Life is in a constant flux of change. And it never really seems to settle down enough to concretely feel as if I’ve arrived at a destination where I can find rest. At least, there always seems to be another load of laundry, bill to pay, or errand to run that clutters my to-do list.

Yet, these things will never change. As long as I sweat, I’ll have laundry to do. As long as I eat, I’ll need a way to pay for the food, and time to wash the dishes. It’s all part of this whole ‘life’ thing we get to experience every morning when we open our eyes.

In 2016, I consciously chose to erase stressors from my life. Stress simply wasn’t serving me. And I realized much of it stemmed from trying to do more than I was capable of doing at any one time.

You can read a book, or tell somebody you’re reading a book. You can’t do both at the same time.

Peace isn’t around the corner. It’s found in the present. The present moment finds itself in every inhale and exhale we take.

I’ve found much joy on the other side of past fears. The circumstances haven’t changed as much as the outlook that defines their experience and chooses to dance through the notes, rather than drown under their melody.

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